Friday, January 6, 2012

I am having trouble with my adult daughter.?

Why should you put your life on hold to pick HER kids up right after you get off of work. What the hubby should do is get a car that he can use with the kids, or she leaves him the car that does hold them and he uses them to get the kids. It's not your job to pick up those kids. That's her and her hubbies job. You should only be available in cases of emergencies. If his car can't hold the kids and the car seats, he needs to change it for a car that can. She is also over stepping her bounds by not RESPECTing you first. You of all people deserve respect. You've raised her to be the person that she is and she should not disrespect you for wanting to put yourself first now. Put it back on her and if she doesn't like it, then tell her to find a way to resolve it without involving you.

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