Tuesday, January 3, 2012

How can i prevent achilles tendinitis from happening again?

Tendinitis is the swelling of the tendons which connect bone to muscle, it occurs due to overuse which irritates the connective tissue. The best way to prevent this from happening again is by 1. Stretching and warming up for at least 15 minutes prior to vigorous activity (dancing) allowing the muscles and tendons to warm up and be more pliable. 2. Allow proper rest between activity which allows the tears that may occur during exercise to heal. 3. Take an anti-inflammatory such as ibuprofen after dancing. 4. Cold compression of the area. 5. relieve stress on the tendon, so when you're not dancing don't wear high heels and put heel cushions in your shoes. You are at greater risk of having an achilles tendon rupture due to the fact that you are a dancer, not only is this painful but most of the time it will require surgery to repair and would be very slow healing at best.

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